Characteristics for Installating Timber Flooring

 When it comes to choosing the kind of flooring that you will use it's always best to spend some time thinking thoroughly about it. It's best to check out the available options that you can choose from. Being well informed and knowledgeable about your options is always best. This will help you better in making the right choice. The most popular choice in flooring these days is timber flooring In Wollongong. Timber floor is by far the best choice when it comes to flooring because it caters to a lot of advantages for most homeowners of today. Timber is made up of a good quality of wood and it is long-lasting. Timber also comes in various kinds each having unique characteristics and uses. They are also classified in different grades and levels of perfection that describe their overall uses. Knowing this information is always helpful for homeowners who are planning to use timber floors for their houses. Your flooring is an investment and should be treated as such.  Here are the characteristics of timber and some things you need to consider before buying new floors.


Hardwoods are not all created equal, with some being significantly more durable than others. The hardness of the material will affect how well it withstands impact, indentations, and scratches. If you want something that will last, go with oak or hickory.


Timber is graded on the number of natural markings present in the wood such as gum vein, tight knots, etc. Different types of wood flooring are classified into four classes. There is Select Grade which has only a minimum amount of features, and then Medium Features which offer a medium amount of markings. While High Feature Grade provides a high concentration of features, Parquet Clear Grade is usually clear of markings. Because most companies grade their lumber according to their criteria, timber grades may differ from one firm to the next. The type of wood you use has an impact on the mood you create in your home. Higher graded timber often has consistent clear appearances which are perfect for a sleek and modern feel while lower timber grades are suited for an old-world charm environment.

Top or Secret Nail

When you opt for timber flooring In Wollongong, you are given two nail profiles, one is top nail boards and the other is secret nail boards. Nails will be inserted through the top surface of the board if you choose top nail boards. The nails are inserted through the tongue of the board for secret nail boards with a cleaner finish.


The color of your floor will be determined by the type of wood you pick. For example, cherry wood is a deep red color, mahogany is dark, pine is lighter, and oak is in the middle.  Each species of wood has its distinct color and it will change as your floor ages and with exposure to sunlight. It is advised that you do not leave your curtains open for a great period to minimize color change. You can change the color of your floor with a stain but that almost defeats the purpose of having a timber floor.

How Does it Feel

The feel of the floor can depend on the type of board and subfloor supporting system you use. If they are attached directly to concrete, layered over plywood, or any other similar sub-floor, the floor will feel firmer. During dry weather, noises such as squeaks are commonly heard due to the loosening of the joints of the board.

"Choosing timber is just the first step, next you have to figure out the characteristics of the timber which you want in your home. Homeowners should consider these timber flooring characteristics as well as the cost of timber flooring. A more expensive timber floor does not always imply superior quality. You should follow guidelines in choosing timber flooring In Wollongong for your home.

 Disclaimer: This is generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. To get the latest and updated information, contact us today or visit our website. 

