Top 8 Proven Tips for Choosing the Best Timber Flooring for Your Home

 If anything, your flooring should be the pride of your home. Installing one that doesn’t complement everything else just puts off a weird vibe people find hard to explain. It could be timber, tile, vinyl or even laminate. Nonetheless, if you’re going for the timber flooring Wollongong, you can’t afford any errors from your side during purchase. 

To achieve this, you need to be sure of what you’re going to the store to get. Things like style, aesthetic value, durability and strength are all aspects you need to consider. You could even research your home and write down a list of requirements for the type you want to get. 

Just make sure you have these tips at the Back of your palm while getting new timber flooring for your home.

List down all your requirements.

The fact about choosing timber flooring is, there’s always one for your type of house. Do you prefer a warm, durable or gentle feel to your timber floor? Do you have children or pets at home? What about the aesthetic value? Do you want one that adds some pizzazz to your entire house feel? Or are you going for a wilder option?

If you’re confused about what aspects to pen down on your list, you could try finding suitable preferences to some of these aspects:

  • Durability.

  • Style.

  • Popularity (rare or quotidian).

  • Compatibility with your family (some chemicals may be allergens to your someone).

If you feel those above aren’t enough for you, then you could ask professionals around you for more advice.

Choose a floor you can maintain

What’s the point of getting timber flooring Wollongong when you can’t maintain it? If you’re going to choose timber flooring for you, then you should go for the one you can keep. If you don’t have a problem with maintaining some hard-to-maintain timber floor types, then you shouldn’t have a problem in this aspect.

Trust the pros, manage the cons.

Whichever type you choose, always know there will be pros and cons for it. What to do? You just trust the pros and manage the cons. Choose a floor whose cons you can keep up with and you should be fine.

Don’t forget your budget.

When choosing the type of timber available for you in Wollongong, Australia, you shouldn’t forget the size of your pocket. Always look for a compromised floor that’ll be pocket-friendly and also serve other purposes mentioned earlier in this blog.

Research every option available to you

Use the internet to your advantage. It’s a gold mine of information when it comes to a subject like this one. Check out the vast options to choose from; their pros and cons as well as how well they can suit your style.

Checking out local stores in Wollongong will get you acquainted with the floors available in your country. This is one advantage your local store has over the internet. Just make sure whatever you do, make use of them wisely.

Know the material best for your home

Timber flooring is manufactured from any of these materials:

  1. Cork

Cork is one of the most underrated materials used in timber flooring. They’re a great option when you have small children at home. They’re the type of floors which give your feet that soft and warm sensation when you step on them. You’ve probably seen them before. They’re tinted in black and can turn a dark chocolate shade when exposed to sunlight.

  1. Solid wood

Floors made from solid wood are more durable than the others. And more expensive too! Just know that if you’re going for this option, a wider board would mean more cost.

  1. Timber laminate

This is a more cost-efficient option compared to the other options. It’s the best compromise if you’re looking for a floor that’ll be durable and beautiful without breaking the bank.

  1. Recycled timber

Don’t let the name fool you - recycled timber can be as expensive as the others (if not more). The cost of purchase, however, is dependent on the size and age of the timber. 

Just make sure you get the one that gets you.

Get a durable timber floor.

Don’t let anyone trick you into thinking purchasing timber flooring is cheap. No matter how big or small your living space is, you’d have to spend a few thousand getting one that works for you. 

Make sure you get one that’ll stand the test of time. Also, get one that won’t be that hard to maintain. Once you’re done with that, you can move on to the next aspect.

Find one that matches your style.

Your timber flooring should always make your house look pleasant at all times. When choosing that style, ask yourself; ‘is this option going to keep or chase my visitors?’ Once you’ve answered your question, then you have the go-ahead to purchase the style. 

Some general rules are guiding choosing timber flooring styles for your style. You could:

  • Go with light colours if you live in a casual or contemporary house.

  • For more traditional settings, you can go with darker shades of timber flooring.

  • Corks, composites and particle boards provide a more modern feel to you living space. 

  • You can go for the maple or oak boards if you’re looking to go general in your style.

You could go for any of these options if you don’t know which style is suitable for you.

There are the top eight proven tips to help you on your next timber floor purchase. If you’re looking for specialists in timber flooring Wollongong, Australia, let us be your plug.
